Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm Ready For My 2 Second Nose Shot

How does the Bible begin? With God ruling. How does the Bible end? With God ruling. God is the main character of history- everything began and everything will end with him ruling. Francis Chan says it like this in his book Crazy Love- if you were a character in God’s movie you would be an extra and all we would see of you in the movie would be 2 seconds of your nose. God is the central character of history around whom everything and everyone else revolves and when we put ourselves in his position as ruler, when we believe that our own desires should take precedence over his, we are committing idolatry. AMEN

Idolatry occurs when we choose to replace God on the throne of our lives with anything else by putting our hope and faith in that thing instead of God. Or it can be as innocent as prefering time doing something else besides what you know God desires and requires of you.

If your child complains about doing anything that has to do with growing closer to God (ie, reading the Bible, prayer, devotion time, church, small group time) ask them what they would rather do instead. Help them take the value of what they want to do out to its natural conclusion. For instance if they would rather play video games, daydream about them being able to play as much as they want. What does this create? They don't exercise - run that out to its conclusion, they don't interact with humans, then there is what they miss out on when they missed the teaching moments from God. What would happen if they choose the God thing over the video game? Scenario that out. You could easily draw from your own experiences about times you have learned something by your willingness to obey God that had God's perfect outcome.

Kids learn better when they are not in the heat of the moment. Don't wait to have this talk in the middle of the "Get ready for church" argument Sunday morning. Come up with a time when, as a family, you can play a make believe game. Find a way to have fun with it.

I would love to hear from creative people how they may have played this out. We can share with each other and find fun creative ways to share God's truth with our children. You can just comment on the faceboook post or put something on here.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pop in' to a good attitude

Today in 1964 Mary Poppins began showing in American theaters. In that movie she is able to get the children to do unpleasant tasks by singing "A spoon full of sugar". She was basically helping them find a positive attitude when they didn't like something. Being negative about something only makes it feel worse and seem to drag on longer. What do you do when your kids grumble and complain. Help them find the silver lining angle and if there isn't one then read them this verse. God basically commands us to remain positive. He allows all things for our good. Make it a game. Each time an unpleasant situation arises find a positive angle. The first one to do it wins.

Phil 2:14 "Do everything without grumbling or arguing, :15 so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky,"

As a family look for moments in media when they see someone have a positive attitude. This also works in reverse. Children media is full of negative expressions by actors. Watch something together and talk about what they could do if they were in the same situation. Help them find a positive solution to it. Children are more receptive to new ideas when they are not in the heat of a difficult moment. These practice scenarios will come back to them.

As a family, watch the movie Pollyanna. It is a good clean movie that helps drive this point home and opens up the possiblity for further discussion.

Training our children in the way of the Word is a necessary deliberate act on our part. That doesn't mean we can't find fun ways to do it.
Enjoy your kids

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Local Gardeners Needed!

(Sorry it won't let me embed the video as an easy link)

Hello everyone,
This video is by an organization of people (EGM) that have committed their lives to helping children learn about the Lord around the world. They are the group that we are going to Romania to help.

This weekend we are starting back up our invitation to join Children's Ministries in sowing seeds in our children that will grow by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. With over 450 children each weekend and growing, we desperately need your help.

Please be part of sharing the wonder and love of Jesus with our children so they in turn can drop their seeds of faith on others some day.

We still need 74 volunteers to open all our classes. Thank you to the many that have already stepped up. You all will be blessed to have been part of these precious little one's journey with Jesus.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dive Dive Dive

Surface with Courage,
On this day in 1958, the Nautilus became the first submarine to cross the North Pole underwater. Nothing above ground had any idea there was a large object right below. It's probably cool, however , to sail unseen beneath everything, and very few people even know you're there. But do you ever wonder what else might be lurking under us or around us?

In Ephesians 6:10-18 we are warned about the real but unseen world of spiritual warfare. Paul tells us in verse 12,"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

Sounds daunting. Fortunately for us we have the protection. However, we have to actively participate. We have to prepare ourselves. Accept the gift of salvation, learn God's truth, behave in a righteous way, practice peace, be faithful, and call in the Holy Spirit to assist you. We are also told to pray and stay alert. We all know to some extent how much they put our military soldiers through when they get them ready to face the enemy. Why is it then that we don't prepare and take the spiritual war we are in seriously?

Parents, satan would love nothing more than for you to continue to fly under the radar and do nothing. Live out your every day life as if nothing is at stake and he will be thrilled. However, I challenge you to be aware and alert that his agenda is hard at work to steal the hearts and minds of your children. You are God's weapon on their behalf. Train your children on how to recognize and defend themselves against evil. Help them recognize that each day something is right their hoping to help them trip up. Remind them that God wins and they want to be standing beside Him when He does.

Sorry this is so heavy, but it is heavy on my heart as I see so many of our children in our church choosing evil or holy lives. However we can help you let me know. We are here to do battle right alongside of you, but we all know that the real Biblically called trainers of our children are the parents.

Blessings to you all,

Monday, August 1, 2011

Count on Counting!

On this day in 1790 the first U.S. Census was conducted. The population of the U.S. was only 4 million people back then. In 2000 it was 281 million. A considerable difference. It is no surprise that with all the people in the world our children can feel as though they don't matter or can't make a difference.

Many times if they had their way their days would be filled with fun and self indulgence. Training our children to be selfless and yielded to God's plan for their lives takes effort on our parts.

Perhaps it would help to start by reminding them how much thought and time God spends on them.

*Genesis 1:26 reminds us that God made us in His image. *Each one of us has been created by a purposeful God. In 1 Corinthians 12 he speaks of how we are made each with our own special talents and abilities. *In Deuteronomy 31:8 it says, "And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” That shows that God is intimately aware of and involved in your daily life. *Not to forget the best of all; how He sent Jesus to die for us.

Help your child discover their unique purpose in God's plan. Help them pray to God daily to ask Him what He would have them do today. Many times we set out with a plan without asking God's blessing on it. Train your children to yield their lives to Christ and not seek only their own desires.

Help them to see that they can make a difference. Find opportunities for them to share of themselves and their time to help others. Type in 'children volunteer opportunities and your city' in a search engine, and see what comes up. See if they can lend a hand at school or talk to ministries in your church to see how they can help.

Help them seek ways to make a difference.

Bless you all for parenting your children bravely for Christ in a challenging world.