Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Pursuit of Empty, Unsatisfying Pleasure; Every Parent's Dream for Their Child?

Our children are growing up in a high stimulation society. If not careful, they can get caught up in making the pursuit of happiness their goal in life. Now this may not seem bad. What parent doesn't want their child to be happy?

Happiness is different than fun and pleasure. It’s a less intense, but more durable, feeling of well-being. It’s not a continuous state. A good life is usually seasoned with moments of joy and despair, play and work, success and failure. Happiness is a kind of emotional resting place of quiet satisfaction with one’s life.

The art of living a happy life is not having more of what you want but getting better at enjoying what you have.

We must help our children understand that the pursuit of happiness shouldn't be our goal, but it should be to dwell in the presence of the Lord. If we dwell with the Lord, our life will have deep meaningful purpose. This will lead to profound peace and deep indwelling happiness.

Society today is entrenched in immediate satisfaction and thrill. Help you children see the emptiness that only pursuing pleasure without purpose can lead to.

Bless you all.

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