Thursday, November 12, 2009

What are your kids worried about?

Children today are more stressed and worried then we were when we were kids. They face a world that has become far more evil and less reserved. The pressure to succeed is very strong. Many will quit trying or find release in rebellion.

Spend each day talking with your child about who they saw that day. What kind of interactions went on. How issues were handled. Help them think through, at a young age, ways to handle social situations where life directions begin.

Use TV shows and movies as an avenue to discuss examples that you can pick apart together. Ask them how they would feel in certain situations and what they could do to navigate them.

Use captive times wisely.(those times they are in the car or unable to escape) :)
Help them practice working through thoughts and issues. I promise you that they are talking to their friends about all the issues they see each day. Who do you want to be the source of information? You or them. Now granted they are going to talk to their friends anyway and their input will hold serious weight. That is why it is imperative for you to at least be included in the fact finding mission.

Help them realize the motives that peers may have in thier answers. Help them to discern what environment a friend may be in and how they could develop a different opinion than yours.

Talk Talk Talk then Listen Listen Listen.

It will pay off in the end.
Enjoy this day with your kids.

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