Monday, July 25, 2011

What is contained in your container?

We missed out on celebrating the invention of the ice cream cone on Saturday. It was invented by Charles Menches in 1904. I think retroactive celebration is in order. Ice cream cones for everyone!

While you are eating one, talk to your children about what kind of containers they have heard of in the Bible. (Vessels, jars, baskets, urns etc.)Challenge them to find scripture of just one. The symbolism in the Bible of being molded by our Maker for His purpose and being used for service is a beautiful one. Conatainers are filled and wait for the time when what they are filled with is needed. Wouldn't be wonderful if we could remember this in our own life. To be that ready and willing at all times to be filled by the Holy Spirit, patient until the time we are called to be used, and then WILLING at any moment to be used by God.

As is always the case, this study adventure will lead to a different conversation for each of you. I would be excited to hear how it went. Have fun with it. Maybe this would be a fun time to make a vessel out of clay, playdough, paper mache. Enjoy learning about God's Word with your children. The memories you make will create a joy of learning about God in your children that will reap an eternity of benefits.

Travel to this link for a cheat sheet on containers and vessels used in the Bible.

More importantly is to help your child learn how to do a topic or word study on their own. My favorite online site for this is

It is helpful for children to have a Bible that is written at their level and contains both the New and Old Testament in it. However, those Bibles often lack the good reference and study lists that a good adult study Bible has. If you have at least one great study Bible in the house, then the family can use it to seek out scripture references that your children can then use to read in their Bible. Help them practice using the concordance, and topic indexs and the internet to find scripture on specific topics or words.

Enthusiasum is contagious. If you enjoy your time in God's Word they will pick up on that. Blessings to you all.

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