Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Be still and know that I am God

Hello fellow journeyers,
In the blog yesterday I was talking about how important it is that we expose our children to prayer and allow them to wrestle with life and emotions with God. I shared part of my blog with my Facebook clan. The chairman of our church commented on what I said and I feel it warrants sharing. He said "it is also good to be still and just listen". Isn't that so true. Being still is a lost art form. Our children today feel that they need to be constantly stimulated by noise and activity. It is so challenging to help them just sit, linger, and listen when talking with God. To many it seems a task to check off a list instead of a meaningful exchange with the Almighty. We miss out on the exchange part when we don't linger. Take the time to schedule some quiet thinking time each day with your children. Help them learn to be still. If you don't, you could be robbing them of the opportunity to grow in deep and profound ways with God. You will more then likely meet with resistance, but persevere! Does anyone already do this? If so, share what you do in your family. We can all learn from each other. A few minutes of your time could have a meaningful impact on another parent.

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