Monday, August 24, 2009

Connect your kids to God's Word

I have been listening to the audiobook of "Revolutionary Parenting" by George Barna. The entire source for data in this book was from interviews with parents of children who grew to be adult spiritual champions. There is much in this book to draw from. We all want our children to grow up to be adults that love the Lord and contribute to His kingdom in meaningful ways.

One of the topics explored was on Bible time between parents and kids throughout the week while they were growing up. What did the parents in this book reveal about their Bible study regiment with their kids?

They didn't have one! Many of them initially tried to follow Bible studies and daily devotions with little success. However, they intentionally found opportunities to take the events within the week and seek what God's Word had to say about it. This didn't happen every day, but the meaningful connection of life with the living, breathing Word of God had a profound affect on their children. Their children learned that it wasn't something to just do each day, but a interactive tool to use while seeking God in life events.

Seeking God daily in prayer and personal Bible study should still be the encouragement that is conveyed by parents to their children. Having them see you model this in your own quiet time is invaluable. Release yourself of the stress of not getting them to participate in a daily family devotion time. Instead seek out opportunities to go to the Word for wisdom when events and topics come up.

Children's Ministries has the weekend lessons posted on our webpage for all our classes on the weekend. Review these and look for opportunities to reinforce those lessons throughout the week. The more your child hears the same lessons applied in life the more it will be entrenched in their hearts. We offer suggestions on how to enrich and expand their lessons at home.

In addition, there will be take home activities for your kids that attend our Children's Bible Study night (LINKED) on Tuesday nights. Our 1st-6th graders will receive enrichment activities that they can do on their own or with your help. All these are tools to choose from. It is most important to simply pray for opportunities and allow the Lord to guide you as you guide your children to become Spiritual Champions.

Blessings to you all


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