Thursday, December 3, 2009


Is it possible to be content when things aren't going as we had planned? How do we teach our children to embrace contentment?
Start by helping them think through the idea. Ask some questions to get them thinking. Such as:

*What was a time you tried something that didn't work out like you wanted it to?

*How do you usually feel when things don't work out as you'd like?

*What was a time you were disappointed with something but then everything turned out okay in the end?

*What kinds of things can make you discontent?

Then help your children follow some guidelines: such as...

*Don't compare your circumstances or life to other people's.

*Give thanks in all circumstances. (This is a hard one for kids as they are literal creatures.) Help your children acknowledge that God loves them and only wants good for them. Help them think through any examples from their or your lives that looked bad initially, but good can be seen now. Remind them that God is faithful and we are just to trust Him.

*Life is made up of good and bad experiences and circumstances. You choose to dwell on the positive or the negative. Help your child stay focused on the positive. (Phil 4:8 is a good one to read them)

*Remember that you can make it through whatever comes your way with God's help. (Read them Phil 4:13) Remind them that they are not alone. That God is always with them and gives them strength and peace.

Whatever you do, please don't assume that something that seems insignificant to you isn't extremely significant to them. Take each of their concerns to heart and help them through it.

Start training your little one to look back at the day and recall all the good things God provided to them because He loves them. (Warm sun, cool bug, mommy's hug, cereal from the store, etc) Train them to focus on the good and positive from the beginning.

May you meditate today on all the blessings and wonder of God.

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