Sunday, October 4, 2009

What Are We Teaching Our Girls?

Sorry I haven't written in a few days but I have been off to the mountains for a retreat and on jury duty. I have been contemplating the various roles women have taken over the years. There status as equals with Adam, the mother or sin, and now restored through the blood and redemption of Christ.

What do we teach our young girls about their place in society? What message are we sending to them by our actions, words, and stereotyping?

In Genesis we see the original blueprint that God had intended. Man and woman in an alliance to take care of all God had for them to do. However, when we think of the name Eve we all jump to the first sin. The fruit that she ate and shared with Adam.

The consequences that followed were clear and continued until Christ sacrificed to all on the cross. When the veil was torn in the Holy of Holys, the spiritual hierarchy was over. There was no longer an outer court for women or inner court for priests or a court for Gentiles. All of us could now approach the most holy equally. Christ restored the original blueprint.

What do we share with our girls? This is a much debated topic. There are many on both sides of the issue. Should women remain submissive to men. Are men still rulers over women as it says in Genesis 3:16, or was that condition dissolved by the sacrifice and restoration of God's children to Him when Christ was sacrificed?

Share your thoughts on this. Take a few minutes to create an account and lets discuss our views on how to best raise our children up in fear and admonition of the Lord.

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