Monday, August 29, 2011

Pop in' to a good attitude

Today in 1964 Mary Poppins began showing in American theaters. In that movie she is able to get the children to do unpleasant tasks by singing "A spoon full of sugar". She was basically helping them find a positive attitude when they didn't like something. Being negative about something only makes it feel worse and seem to drag on longer. What do you do when your kids grumble and complain. Help them find the silver lining angle and if there isn't one then read them this verse. God basically commands us to remain positive. He allows all things for our good. Make it a game. Each time an unpleasant situation arises find a positive angle. The first one to do it wins.

Phil 2:14 "Do everything without grumbling or arguing, :15 so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky,"

As a family look for moments in media when they see someone have a positive attitude. This also works in reverse. Children media is full of negative expressions by actors. Watch something together and talk about what they could do if they were in the same situation. Help them find a positive solution to it. Children are more receptive to new ideas when they are not in the heat of a difficult moment. These practice scenarios will come back to them.

As a family, watch the movie Pollyanna. It is a good clean movie that helps drive this point home and opens up the possiblity for further discussion.

Training our children in the way of the Word is a necessary deliberate act on our part. That doesn't mean we can't find fun ways to do it.
Enjoy your kids

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