Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Waves of Worry or Peace Like a River

Hello Dear Families
I am a pretty peaceful person. I tend to live in the today and rarely worry, as my close friends can attest too. However, there are times when I worry about my kids. Is that okay? Is that an understandable and acceptable state of mind with God? The human side of me would be the first to say, "Oh that is normal, it goes with the territory." However, the Word of God says something different. Philippians 4:6 says "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."

It doesn't say be anxious for nothing except your kids, or your parenting failures, or their failures. It says be anxious for nothing!

What do you do then when you are hit with a wave of worry for your child? Well the answer lies in the second half of the verse. ("but in Everything by prayer and supplication")Supplication means : 1.To ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying; 2.To make a humble entreaty to; beseech. That is where those intense emotions of fear, worry and anxiety go. They need to poured out in our prayers to God on behalf of our child. We need to recognize that God's original design for us as parents was not to live in our worry. He does not bring the fear. He gives us a way out. The words earnestly, entreaty and beseech in the definition of this word share the intensity of our state of mind when we are doing the praying. We can't stop the waves of worry. We can Biblically handle them with God's help.

The interesting part of this verse in Philippians ends with "with thanksgiving". So not only are we not to claim the fear and worry as normal and acceptable, we are to take it with all its waves of intensity and give it over to the Lord, knowing that He will hear us and answer our prayer. Be thankful for His perfect will in your life and the lives of your children, even when trial comes. In James 1:2-4 we learn that all things, even trials, come together to perfect us and our children. Count is all JOY.

Now I know this is easier said then done, but what choice do we have? Fear and anxiety rob us of our sound mind and leads us to poor thinking and irrational actions. If we are going to win the battle of the spiritual forces against us and our children, then we need to be armed for that battle with God. Matthew 6:24-34 talks about how little we can actually control in our life, but more beautifully, it speaks to the tender loving kindness of our God who will provide for us all that we need. The sooner we accept this the sooner we will find peace that only comes from releasing and surrendering wholly to God. He loves your kids more than you do. He has the hairs on their head counted. Allow Him to work out His plan for them. Now I say this as someone who continues to have to lay this back down at the altar of God. Join me in releasing our worry, fear and anxiety over to our Lord.

May the peace that surpasses all human understanding be with you today.

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