Sunday, December 27, 2009
Parenting: The Greatest Adventure
I am thankful that things have calmed down a bit so I can get back to spending time with you, our parents. You have the most wonderful challenging job in the world. I have enjoyed every minute of being a parent. It was what I wanted to be when I grew up. Of course, there have been those moments when I wished I had a magic wand. Trials and troubles come with the wonderful memories and countless hours of laughter and enjoyment. I have had police at my door, cell phones in the toilet, keys lost at the bottom of toy boxes, fist fights between siblings in my living room, countless morning battles to get the kids to church and school, last minute notice of school projects, lies, disrespect, angry outbursts, extreme emotional fallout from the divorce, poverty, words said in haste and anger that you wish you could take back, rejection from extended family, and much more.
Looking back I can see God's divine providence in even the hardest of experiences. All I ever wanted was a loving, Christ-centered marriage and children that grew to love and depend completely on God. I have not gotten all I have prayed for as of yet. I continue to pray in faith that the answer is 'wait' and not 'no'. However, God is the orchestrator of all good. I cannot see all the good that He plans with His perfect timing. I hold to John 6:44. "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him." I have two of my 4 children who have not embraced a relationship with God. My heart aches for them to know Him.
I share this with you in hopes that you know I understand what challenges you face. There is much I have been through that is written in silence between the lines. A lifetime of issues, emotions, and trials that qualify me to at least understand what you are going through. I really do believe we are all here to help one another. If any of you need someone to talk with, I am here. As a family of God, we are called to come along side one another. I praise God that so many of you have close Christian friends that you can turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. If you don't have someone or for whatever reason want to keep your problems private, I am able to be that outlet for you. No matter who you turn too, don't go through your challenges alone. There is always someone who cares and wants to help.
May God bless you all through the hardest, greatest, best adventure you'll ever be on, Parenting.
In His Service,
Monday, December 21, 2009
A time to teach generosity
Christmas, A Time to Teach Generosity
Christmas is a highlight in the life of most children, but much of the benefit is focused on what they get. Of course one of the blessings of Christmas is giving, so look for ways to teach children generosity this year. Here are some ideas:
Involves kids in your gift giving strategy or help them develop their own. Planning, shopping, and wrapping can each provide ways for children to think about blessing others.
Anticipate with your children the delight others will experience when the gifts are opened. Help your child enjoy the fun others will have when receiving gifts.
Ask children the question: "What are you doing this year to make Christmas special for others?" This question alone can help teens think of others instead of just themselves. A short discussion can help move kids from selfish tendencies to generosity.
And most importantly, remind children of the generosity of God by sending us a special gift in his Son.
For more ideas on addressing heart issues in your kids, consider the book, Parenting is Heart Work by Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Peace be Yours -Contentment
When we are truly content we are at peace. For those who have found contentment in God, this peace is sweet. We rest in knowing that God has all things well in hand. We enjoy not having to have all the answers. But what about our children? How do they feel? What is their perception of this truth? We so very much want to inject them with truth. Wouldn't it be nice if their was a Bible IV? We could just hook them up each day and have the Holy Spirit flowing through their veins all day. Alas, it isn't that simple. However, the journey, or dare I say, the struggle is part of the learning process. It is what makes those AHA moments so dear. The following is just a few suggestions on how to continue to train your children to find contentment some from me and some from "Raising Spiritual Champions Newsletter".
"I trust in you , O Lord; I say 'You are my God. My life is in your hands. Psalm 31:14-15a
Read these verses with your child. Talk about the attitude the writer has about his life. What makes the writer comfortable with his situation? Ask how comfortable your child feels about their life? Let this conversation open up to a wonderful teachable moment.
Kids who are comfortable with themselves know they are loved and wanted. Help them develop a sense of contentment in natural ways.
Appreciate your kids for who they are and what they do. Tell them you like them. Keep a journal of the positive things they do, their qualities and strengths. Write down the positive comments their teachers and others say about them. Read through the book occasionally to help your kids see themselves from various perspectives.
Repeat important sayings and verses that build confidence and courage. Believe me, your words to them will pop up in their heads when a choice needs to be made and you're not around. My children have told me many times that when they needed to make a decision, they could hear my advise in their head. They didn't always do what they should have, but when things fell apart it only solidified the wisdom that they should have followed.
Send your kids off each day with a prayer or blessing. Let them know they can handle whatever comes. Your confidence in them can carry them through when they aren't feeling so sure of themselves.Help them develop the habit of complimenting others on what they are good at too.
Bless you all. Fight the good fight.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Plan to be Content
Reaching contentment in our day and age is a challenge, especially for our children. They are bombarded with media that tells them they should get what they want and fast. How do we bring them through the brainwashing to an understanding of the truth in Philippians 4:11-13?
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
First and foremost you must model it. That is not to say you won't slip up from time to time, but find the truth in these verses and try to own them for yourself. Kids today see right through the old saying, "Do as I say not as I do".
Next help them through each disappointment with a fresh view point. Help them reflect on any other experience they had that was frustrating or disappointing and how something good came out of it that they couldn't see at the time. Perhaps a move to a new home was hard for the friends that were left, but the new friends are just as wonderful.
Help them keep a prayer journal. Let them pray and write their disappointments and frustrations to God. He can handle it. God wants us to bring all of ourselves to Him. As you keep track in a journal, look back from time to time on past prayers and laments and see if you can find a silver lining or lesson learned from that experience that you can point out to them. Don't forget to add praises to your journal. It is very important for your child to be able to see the inner workings of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Help your child learn the difference between what they need and what they want. God promises to give us what we need. Everything else is icing on the cake and not a necessity. Help them realize how much they have that doesn't fall under the need category. Help them to be thankful for the many blessings instead of focusing on what they don't /can't have.
Sometimes it is helpful to show them how people live with less and how blessed they are. Take them to visit a shelter or show them how others live in 3rd world countries by going on the Internet. Name something in the room and let your kids tell how life would be different if the item didn't exist or hadn't been invented. Help them realize that having it is a blessing from God.
These are just a few starter ideas. This is a journey that is counter cultural. It won't be easy, but your child will be vastly more happy if they learn to be content.
Blessings to you all
Monday, December 7, 2009
Simple and bite size
James 2:13 - Someone who shows No mercy >> receives judgement without mercy.
The next time you read a passage, look for simple, bite-size nuggets. While training your children to read the Bible, it is helpful to break things down as simply as possible. Have a contest one day to see how many cause >>affect phrase you can find. Write them out on cards and place a few around to talk about throughout the week.
Let's try it together to get the hang of it.
James 1:3-4 Trials > Patience > Perfect and complete
James 1:5 Ask for wisdom in faith > God gives liberally
James 1:6-7 Ask for wisdom with doubt > Should not expect to receive anything from God
James 1:12 Endure temptation > receive the crown of life
James 1:15 Follow desires > sin > death
James 1:17 God > good gifts > us
You get the point. Imagine any one of these being a launching point for family discussions. Help your child find examples around them of these being true.
Your children are growing up in a post modern world. They will be taught by the world that there is no absolute truth. That each person finds what is true for them. That even that truth can change when we want it to. Help your children from an early age understand and see the absolute truth of the Word of God.
This is a spiritual battle. Fight the good fight.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Start by helping them think through the idea. Ask some questions to get them thinking. Such as:
*What was a time you tried something that didn't work out like you wanted it to?
*How do you usually feel when things don't work out as you'd like?
*What was a time you were disappointed with something but then everything turned out okay in the end?
*What kinds of things can make you discontent?
Then help your children follow some guidelines: such as...
*Don't compare your circumstances or life to other people's.
*Give thanks in all circumstances. (This is a hard one for kids as they are literal creatures.) Help your children acknowledge that God loves them and only wants good for them. Help them think through any examples from their or your lives that looked bad initially, but good can be seen now. Remind them that God is faithful and we are just to trust Him.
*Life is made up of good and bad experiences and circumstances. You choose to dwell on the positive or the negative. Help your child stay focused on the positive. (Phil 4:8 is a good one to read them)
*Remember that you can make it through whatever comes your way with God's help. (Read them Phil 4:13) Remind them that they are not alone. That God is always with them and gives them strength and peace.
Whatever you do, please don't assume that something that seems insignificant to you isn't extremely significant to them. Take each of their concerns to heart and help them through it.
Start training your little one to look back at the day and recall all the good things God provided to them because He loves them. (Warm sun, cool bug, mommy's hug, cereal from the store, etc) Train them to focus on the good and positive from the beginning.
May you meditate today on all the blessings and wonder of God.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Get an Attitude: Teaching Gratefullness
Be grateful yourself. Sincerely thank your kids and others when it's appropriate.
Go around the table before a meal, and give a prayer of thanksgiving with each person finishing this prayer starter: "Thanks, God for..."
Sing thanks with your family, if you enjoy music. Sing songs you know, play worship CDs or DVDs and sing with them, or make up songs of your own.
Read together in Luke 17:11-19 the story of the ten men who were healed by Jesus and only one returned to thank Him. Talk about the point Jesus made in this story. What do you think happened to the other nine?
1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" What can you thank God for in your present circumstances? Talk about why God wants us to do this.
Take any opportunity to point out the beauty and majesty of God's creation and to be thankful for it.
For fun learn to say thank you in different languages. Here are some to get you started. Spanish: gracias (GRAH-see-us); French: merci (mare-SEE); Chinese: Xiexie (shay-shay); Italian: grazie (GRAH-tsee-yeh); Japanese: arigato (ah-ree-GAT-o).
Blessings to you all
Monday, November 23, 2009
A Lesson in Honor
Honor changes kids, but sometimes it's hard to communicate its importance to children. One way that you can teach honor is by modeling it as you extend hospitality to others.
We live in a compartmentalized society. Many of the entertainment options today decrease interaction between people and leave them feeling lonely. It's an honor to be invited over for dinner or for an evening of games and activities.
Opening your home is an excellent way to extend grace and honor to others and it's good for your kids. Talk with your children about who you're going to invite and why. Plan the evening together and talk about how you'll treat your guests as special. Afterwards, talk about how things went and emphasize the positive things that happened and how you all worked together to show honor to others.
1 Peter 4:9 gives an interesting command to believers. "Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling." Use that verse before, during, and after to help your children understand the benefits of honoring others.
So, who can you invite over this week? Not only will you bless others, but also you'll be blessed yourself. And your kids are always watching and learning.
For more practical ideas on developing honor in your family consider the book Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, in You and Your Kids by Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
This was sent to me by the daily parenting tips I get from the National Center for Biblical Parenting. If you would like to sign up to receive their tips just click on my Parenting Tips link at the right bottom of this page.
Blessings to you all,
Monday, November 16, 2009
It isn't what you think!
He talked about how God can use those moments of weakness to bring us to a point where we can receive help. He mentioned how when the bird first flew in there he must of thought he had found the biggest and best bird house in the world. It was warm and safe and looked really cool, but there was a foundational need it wasn't filling. There was no food or water.
What a wonderful analogy that can be used with your children in many ways.
Children covet things all the time: toys, popularity, money, clothes, awards, accolades, etc. However, often the value placed on most things is far greater than actually having it.
In addition, Satan makes the wrong things look very appealing only to pursuade you into a trap that can take you away from being fed by Christians and God. What an even more amazing analogy is that it was a church. Satan uses the things of God to cloud the ugly truth of their origin. People in cults will preach out of the Bible, only to distort and change it, creating confusion.
Another great use of this analogy is how stubborn the bird was to receive the truth or help. He had to reach a broken point to accept help. How many parents allow their children to ride out the consequences of their choices? (Minus anything that can actually physically harm them.) It is our job to warn them if they are about to fly into a situation that is not going to work. However, if they stubbornly refuse to listen to you, allow God an opportunity to teach them and bring them to a more humble place. Swooping in and saving your children from consequences robs them of valuable learning time. This is one of the hardiest things we do. But I bet that bird never flies into that sanctuary again!
Meditate on this analogy. Ask God to reveal to you other valuable lessons to learn from it and share it back with us. Read Matthew 5:6 and contemplate a tie there. Object lessons are the best way for children to learn. Tying life lessons into things they see in everyday life helps the Holy Spirit recall information to them.
Feel free to share any insight or object lessons you have used that I can share with others. We are a village. Let's help each other raise Godly children. Email them to the address below my name or comment back on this blog.
Friday, November 13, 2009
It didn't have to cost a dime. They just wanted to be all mine for awhile.
Find a special time for each parent to celebrate each child. It will hugely impact their feelings of self worth.
By the way, now that they are all grown up they schedule date nights with me now. It is a beautful thing.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What are your kids worried about?
Spend each day talking with your child about who they saw that day. What kind of interactions went on. How issues were handled. Help them think through, at a young age, ways to handle social situations where life directions begin.
Use TV shows and movies as an avenue to discuss examples that you can pick apart together. Ask them how they would feel in certain situations and what they could do to navigate them.
Use captive times wisely.(those times they are in the car or unable to escape) :)
Help them practice working through thoughts and issues. I promise you that they are talking to their friends about all the issues they see each day. Who do you want to be the source of information? You or them. Now granted they are going to talk to their friends anyway and their input will hold serious weight. That is why it is imperative for you to at least be included in the fact finding mission.
Help them realize the motives that peers may have in thier answers. Help them to discern what environment a friend may be in and how they could develop a different opinion than yours.
Talk Talk Talk then Listen Listen Listen.
It will pay off in the end.
Enjoy this day with your kids.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Who is in control of your child?
How reactionary are our children throughout the day? Talk with them (and yourself)about how much we let the actions of others control our emotions and responses.
Romans 12:17-21
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord. On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
How hard it is sometimes to play this out in every day life. Talk with your child about who causes them problems. Talk about what happens and give them strategies to live out these verses. However, remember that children are literal creatures. Be careful that they understand that they are not to remain in situations that can harm them. Peace is not an excuse to allow bad behavior to go unchecked.
This is a challenging lesson for children. (and adults sometimes) Keep the communication flowing daily. Don't let "Fine" be every day's answer to "How was your day?". The more they talk the more you can disciple them to become spiritual champions.
Blessings throughout your day.
Monday, November 9, 2009
He is my Refuge
Psalm 46:1-2
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea," This verse tells us that when we are having trouble, God can be our confidence.
Remind them that God sees them through His eyes with love and not through the eyes of man. He loves them the way He created them. He has uniquely gifted them to set out and be part of His plan.
Remind your child as they experience each new challenge or fear, that God is right by their side to fill in where they lack and to guide and protect them. "If God is for me who can be against me."
Develop a habit of asking your child open-ended questions (ones they can't be answered with "Yes" or "No"). They will learn to share their feelings about fears and concerns they have. This gives you an opportunity to help them learn that their confidence is in the Lord.
Psalm 118:8
It is better to trust in the LORD,Than to put confidence in man.
Bless you all as you guide your children through this day.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
When Children Resist Instructions
When Children Resist Instructions
When a child continually demonstrates resistance to instructions, then it's time to decide whether you need to emphasize relationship more or you need to discipline for a lack of responsiveness.
Sometimes we take our children for granted, order them around, and don't appreciate them enough. The result is children who tend to resist instructions. If that's the case in your family then it's time to show more love and emphasize the value of your relationships together.
On the other hand, some children resist instructions because of poor character. Training is work and some children need to learn how to demonstrate genuine responsiveness when someone wants to talk with them. If you ask your son to come help in the kitchen, and before you finish your instruction he's whining and complaining, then stop the process. You may have to postpone discipline for a time because you need to get the table set in order to stay on schedule, but don't just let it go.
After dinner, talk to your son and confront him about his poor attitude. Explain the importance of cooperation and that you're going to have him help you with dinner every evening for a while. Increasing the workload to give more opportunity to practice may be just the constructive consequence needed to build a cooperative attitude.
Kids want life to be easy. The reality is that life is hard. Cooperation is an essential character quality all children need and now’s the time to teach it.
For more on how to build a good Instruction Routine with your children, consider the Parenting is Heart Work Training Manuals and CDs. Lesson One outlines a five step Instruction Routine and helps you know how to teach it
Monday, November 2, 2009
Parents Stand with their Children before the Lord
Deuteronomy 11:18-20
Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates,
Rolling Hills Covenant Church Children's Ministries understand that our ministry is not just to your children, but to you. We want to be volunteers in your Children's Ministry. We are committed to providing you with tools and support to help you with the spiritual development of you child. We understand as a church that strong parents and families lead to stronger spiritual champions in your children.
Take advantage of the resources we have for you. Join marriage and parenting workshops and series. Come as a family to Bible Study during the week. Use the weekend lessons your children have learned as a spring board to go deeper with God as a family. We offer you a tool online that shares weekend lessons and enrichment suggestions you can do at home.
This January we will begin the Bible Institute on Tuesday nights. There will be several classes to choose from while your children attend LINKED. Consider making Tuesday night a night your family is committed to come together and grow in knowledge of the Lord.
We are excited about the change we see here at RHCC. So many families are committed to the spiritual development of their children and furthering their own walk. I am proud to be part of this church. You are standing with your children before the Lord.
Bless you all
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Getting a Response
Parents give instructions many times a day. The difference between a drill sergeant and a parent has to do with relationship. The way you give an instruction helps a lot. In fact, a little forethought can head off resistance before it starts.
In addition, we encourage parents to teach children to respond with, "Okay Mom," or "Okay Dad." This answer reveals three things. First, it shows that the child has heard what you said. How many times have you gone back to check up on an assignment only to hear the child say, "But I didn't hear you"? Some parents even teach their children to repeat the instruction back by saying, "I will…" and then fill in the blank. This helps clarify the instruction for both parent and child.
The second benefit of an answer is that it teaches the child to communicate the intent to follow through. One dad said, "I like it when my son says, 'Okay Dad,' because it shows me that he's going to do what I asked."
The third benefit of a response is that you can hear what kind of attitude your child has. If it's one of those, "Okaaay Mommm!" responses then you know that your child has an attitude problem. The response reveals some important things about a child's heart. Silence can mean too many things. A child may comply, while harboring anger, rebellion, resentment, or defiance.
Teaching children to answer after an instruction gives you a window into their hearts to see if they're responding well to the instruction. If not, a parent has the opportunity to help make some adjustments.
This tip was taken from the book, Good and Angry, Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Kids, by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Talk with your kids about what kinds of rewards come from being generous. Do you give only so that you can receive? Being generous starts with being aware of others, recognizing that they have needs and that you might be able to meet them.
Give family members a chance to share how they were generous during the day. Don't press the issue if someone can't think of anything. Keep doing this for serveral days in a row to help them become more aware of opportunities during the day. You'll begin to hear some very interesting reports.
Have somone read Philippians 2:3-4 to the family. See if they understand that being generous starts with taking care of others before you take care of yourself. It might mean putting others needs before before your wants.
Even as young as preschool they can learn generosity. When your little one is going to have a friend over have them help you plan a snack and allow your child to serve the snacks to his friend. Compliment him on being generous and kind.
Don't forget to model generosity to your children and use those opportunities as teachable moments.
Bless you all
Excerpts from Raising up Spiritual Champions Newsletters by Jean K Lawson
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Plan Ahead or Come Up Short
My challenge to you would be to set a plan in place this Christmas season to help them transition in their mind to Christ as the present. How can we share Him this season?
Think about your normal traditions you have and how you can transform them into acts of love in the name of Christ. Change your terminology around to saturate your conversations with excitement about Christ and what He did for us.
Perhaps you have a gingerbread house making ritual. Could you make two and take one or more down to a women's shelter for the kids, or perhaps cookie decorating is your thing. Maybe extra can be made and taken to a senior center in your area. Whatever your tradition, think about how you can share the love of Christ with it. You could add a new tradition to your season if your existing ones are not adaptable.
Start planning now. Think of how you will phrase things and build excitement for the new traditions you are planning. Children take their lead from you. Set out to systematically change that first word that pops into your child's head when you say Christmas.
I would love to hear about all the ways our families are already doing this. Chime in and share.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Is God not Sure?
I have been going through the Old Testament and when I came across the part in Genesis where Abraham is told to sacrifice Isaac, it made me pause. Why did God put both of them through that? I think sometimes we think God is testing us to see if our faith is true and pure. So does that mean that God doesn't already know where we are at spiritually? That is not what the Bible says.
Then why? What happens to us when we come to that moment where the rubber meets the road and we have to stand in our faith? What happens in us? We find ourselves processing through what we believe, and why we believe it. This refining experience can only really happen in the moment of most intensity when all is on the line. Do I stand or do I fall.
God is already sure of where you are. He knew Abraham's convictions and his heart before He asked him to sacrifice the son he had longed for. To be a fly on Abraham's mind on that day. The scripture leaves out any comments of deep emotions experienced by Abraham. There was simply obedience to the very end without hesitation. Abraham proved not only to God but his son and himself that God is faithful, just and most importantly deserving of our unquestioning obedience.
When you stand before a difficult challenge, remember, it is not happening to fill God in on where you are at. He already knows. It is for you.
Help your children learn that God is worthy of our obedience. Trials are opportunity for reflection, growth, and witness. Oh that we will stand strong in faith of God, is my prayer. May God richly bless you all today. Stand strong.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Raising our children to honor God with their body.
We must help our girls see that how they act and dress can have a profound affect on men/boys. Since boys/men are such visual creatures, it is important to help girls not cause them to stumble. Girls should understand the powerful responsibility they hold. The Lord says in 1 Corinthians 6:13b that 'our bodies are not for sexual immorality but for the Lord and the Lord for the body.' As Christians, our bodies are now called to a higher purpose. In Matthew 5:28 it says, 'Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart'. It is imperative that we help them understand that our role as women is to help a man not stumble by not enticing them.
Likewise, it is important for us to help our sons understand that women are to be revered and treated as a precious vessel. That if there are girls/women that cause their thoughts to wonder that they need to confess those thoughts and take them as seriously as if they had committed an immoral act. They also need to be trained on how to avoid and respond to situations that they find themselves tempted in.
Children are having sex as early as late elementary school now. It is important to start developmentally appropriate education with your children about what God teaches about their bodies.
Especially for girls, it is important to help them view their self image as God views them. Helping them plug in early to their identity in Christ will help them be less likely to want to tarnish that image with inappropriate dress and behavior.
The world is very, very clear and loud on this issue. "They aren't enough as they are." We have to be louder and clearer. Especially when they are still young enough to believe us.
Blessings to you all.
Monday, October 12, 2009
5 Causes of Anger
Some parents have a hard time analyzing their anger to get anything positive out of it. A helpful way to uncover what’s behind your anger is to recognize anger’s five basic causes. These five causes overlap at points and you may find that the situation you’re experiencing fits more than one, but this list is often helpful to bring some rationale to feelings. Use these causes to guide your self-reflection when you start to feel angry and then move into a more healthy response.
It is important to use this checklist to help your children identify, analyze and process their anger.
1. Physical Pain - When a child hits you or you step on a sharp toy, your anger may, in part, be fueled by the physical pain you experience.
2. Blocked Goals - Trying to leave the house by 7:35 am and turning to see that your three-year-old took her shoes off again can lead to anger.
3. Violated Rights - When her five-year-old is knocking on the bathroom door, a mom may feel angry and think, “I have the right to go to the bathroom in peace.” A dad may believe that he has a right to come home and have a few minutes to relax in quiet before taking on family problems
4. Unfairness - When a mom sees a big brother picking on his sister, or a younger child harassing an older one, she may get angry because of the obvious unfairness of the situation. A dad may feel it’s unfair that he has to help bathe the kids after putting in a hard day’s work.
5. Unmet Expectations - A mom might say, “I expected to arrive home from work to cook dinner, but instead I come home to this mess!” Unmet expectations seem to go along with the job of parenting but often result in angry feelings.
Discovering what is causing your angry feelings will often help you see where your child needs to grow or change, giving you more insight into how to discipline most effectively. Understanding the five causes of anger can help you as you relate to your family.
Each time you feel angry, stop for a minute and try to identify which of these is the cause. Putting a label on your feelings may help you redirect some of that energy to a more productive response. You may begin to see patterns in yourself and identify one particular cause that is more common for you. This observation can help you know how to adjust your reaction.
If you have an anger issue that is destructive, repetitive or out of control, consider attending Celebrate Recovery at RHCC on Friday nights. They recover together from whatever has ahold of you.
This tip was taken from the book, Good and Angry, Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Kids, by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Be A Fly on Your Own Wall
Try this. Listen to a normal day in your house. What moods, messages and cues would you learn just by observing and not having any knowledge of history on what is going on. Listen and watch with virgin eyes. What is on TV, the radio, what books are being picked up and read? How much yelling happens and what is it over? Is there a worthy conflict that you back down from? Your children learn by what you do and don't do.
Some people take a passive role in situations that are worthy of boundaries. This is also being learned by your child. I often tell people who are allowing abuse of some sort in their lives that what they are really doing is teaching their children that it is okay to be abused. They are going to grow up assuming that abuse is acceptable. Now most of you reading this don't have something as serious as that in your life. However, there are plenty of other silent lessons you are teaching your children all day.
Take a step back and be an observer in your own life. Listen to what you say and how you say it. Determine if it is achieving the goal you want. (Such as stopping a behavior or teaching a virtue) If you are not accomplishing your goal you are probably repeating an ineffective process to the frustration of all.
I believe it was Benjamin Franklin that said, "A fool is someone who repeats the same act over and over expecting a different result"
That quote transformed my parenting tactics.
Take inventory of tone, body language, effectiveness, and motive with your parenting. If something is going the wrong way, put on the brakes, regroup, and fix it. Commit it to prayer and God will show you where you need to fine tune.
Bless you all
Sunday, October 4, 2009
What Are We Teaching Our Girls?
What do we teach our young girls about their place in society? What message are we sending to them by our actions, words, and stereotyping?
In Genesis we see the original blueprint that God had intended. Man and woman in an alliance to take care of all God had for them to do. However, when we think of the name Eve we all jump to the first sin. The fruit that she ate and shared with Adam.
The consequences that followed were clear and continued until Christ sacrificed to all on the cross. When the veil was torn in the Holy of Holys, the spiritual hierarchy was over. There was no longer an outer court for women or inner court for priests or a court for Gentiles. All of us could now approach the most holy equally. Christ restored the original blueprint.
What do we share with our girls? This is a much debated topic. There are many on both sides of the issue. Should women remain submissive to men. Are men still rulers over women as it says in Genesis 3:16, or was that condition dissolved by the sacrifice and restoration of God's children to Him when Christ was sacrificed?
Share your thoughts on this. Take a few minutes to create an account and lets discuss our views on how to best raise our children up in fear and admonition of the Lord.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Don't Throw the Child Away!
Don't be so quick to write them off. You may be in an instrumental position to accomplish 2 things. You may have come across a 'divine appointment' to offer light into a little life that is struggling for whatever reason. The second is you are offering opportunity to teach your children to be compassionate and world changers.
Of course, you must protect your children if the situation warrants it, but possibly you are set down in this situation to change this child's life forever.
What if your child is the one who is exhibiting behavior issues that you can't control. The same is true for them. They are trying to tell you something isn't right from their view. It may be how they are interpreting something they have heard or seen. Perhaps something has happened that they don't think they can tell you about. I have been through endless scenarios with my children and their friends. It is absolutely imperative that you immediately get to the root of the behavior. Don't call it a phase and hope it goes away.
Make talking about your feelings a family norm. Practice listening without judgement or punishment. Be a safe sounding board. If will pay off when something happens that they need to talk through. Don't ignore bad behavior, get to the bottom of it. Be willing to accept that maybe it is something you are doing that is being misinterpreted by your child or that you just shouldn't be doing. Seek the counsel of those you trust.
Don't dismiss those who cry out for help by their bad behavior. Don't leave them to be someone elses problem. I can personally vouch for the fact that you can make a difference just be showing you care, even if you never solve the problem yourself.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I love you's, Hugs and Kisses
Find ways for your children to give of themselves at a young age. Help them to see the impact that caring for others can bring. As they get older they are more and more desensitized to what goes on around them. Keep them humanity all along the way. The rewards will be eternal.
Howe have you taught your children different aspects of this passage?
We would all love to learn from each other. It takes a village.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Words that cut or build
We have to remember that we, as parents, have a more powerful affect on our children then any other force. Especially in the developing years, our children learn trust, love, relationship rules, limits, develop (or don't develop) self confidence, and many, many more lessons.
We have to guard our words carefully. Encourage the talents emerging from your children as they grow. Make your little girls feel like empowered princesses and your sons like they are the kings of the world, but remember that they are human and will have natural limitations as well. It is okay to share with them that they can't do everything well. When they fail, assess if you feel it was from a lack of trying or natural limitations.
Help guide them as they discover who they are and what God has for them. Be sure to temper your responses, when negative. Deliver them in love. A successful format is to just ask the child/teen questions that force them to come the same conclusion that you would have proclaimed without discussion.
I remember when my daughter was in elementary, she wanted to be a singer. Believe me when I say, this was not a practical dream given the singing talent she was not born with. I told her that she should line up 2 or 3 dreams to pursue. As she got older and talent for singing didn't materialize, I finally sat her down and said, "Pick a different dream. God did not gift you for this one." She was upset that I would come right out and say it like that. I wish I had recorded her voice and had her critique herself against others who were blessed with that talent. It would have gone down smoother if she came to that conclusion herself. She thanks me these days for putting things straight back then. Still it would have been nice to have done it a more gentle way.
Watch what you say and how you say it. Our words can build up or cut down. Each morning pray that God will guard your words and your actions. God fills in where we lack. He loves our children more than we do. Trust Him to guide and co-parent with you.
Share your experiences with this in your life or with your kids. We learn from each other.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Step up
The real question is just how much do you encourage your child to throw themselves in the mix. I personally believe that with support from parents, children can be empowered to stand for what is right in a respectful way. This can be an opportunity for your children to grow in their faith in a mighty way. Most of us agree that the way the curriculum is presented at most schools is wrong when it comes to the evolution/creation issue. Who knows which stand will tip the scales to allow a fair representation of creation in school. Maybe your child will be the one who is part of that change. Maybe you will. Stand for what is right. Empower your children to stand for the Lord.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Pursuit of Empty, Unsatisfying Pleasure; Every Parent's Dream for Their Child?
Happiness is different than fun and pleasure. It’s a less intense, but more durable, feeling of well-being. It’s not a continuous state. A good life is usually seasoned with moments of joy and despair, play and work, success and failure. Happiness is a kind of emotional resting place of quiet satisfaction with one’s life.
The art of living a happy life is not having more of what you want but getting better at enjoying what you have.
We must help our children understand that the pursuit of happiness shouldn't be our goal, but it should be to dwell in the presence of the Lord. If we dwell with the Lord, our life will have deep meaningful purpose. This will lead to profound peace and deep indwelling happiness.
Society today is entrenched in immediate satisfaction and thrill. Help you children see the emptiness that only pursuing pleasure without purpose can lead to.
Bless you all.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Recover or Repeat
However, if you weren't so blessed, you have a choice to make. You can recover from your families past examples or you are destined to repeat it with your kids. It will be hard to break those patterns of dysfunction. If you want to be the transitional generation rest assured it will take God's help and discipline on your part. If you don't, you will see the same dysfunction in your children when they are in relationships with their own family.
I am a transitional generation person. My family is dysfunctional as far back as we can gather data. Alcoholism, abuse, incest, codependency, divorces, incarceration. You name, my past generations are entrenched in it. However, God got a hold on my heart at a tender age and chose to break the pattern.
I have had to work hard to avoid some of the environmental programing I grew up with. However, it is paying off. Most of the dysfunction from my past family is not yet showing up in my kids. It is well worth taking the hit for your kids and doing the hardest work. Your children will be able to grow into healthy adults with families of their own. They will model healthy choices to their children and so on. You, with God by your side, will have changed to course of your family history.
Your legacy will be functional individuals that love the Lord and can relate to important people in their life in healthy ways.
Do the work! Do the work with God! We can help and He can help. Whatever you need to do, do it. Your children are counting on you to not repeat but to recover!
What are some of your battles with breaking through the dysfunctional patterns. Share it with us here in a comment or email me and we can talk it through. It is not to late to join the Confident Parenting class on Tuesday night. Much of this reflection is from the first chapter and last night's group time.
Bless you all for the journey you are on to create a legacy of your own.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Family 101
* Draw a simple family tree. Start with your kids at the bottom and work up and out as far as you can. If it is big enough piece of paper, add pictures of family members as far back as you have them. (You might want to make photo copies of older photos to preserve the originals.)
* If your family has lived somewhere else, point out the locations on a map or globe.
* Tell stories about your extended family. Call, write, or e-mail family members and ask them to share favorite family stories. Write them down and put them in a 3-ring binder. Read these together to give your kids a sense of generations and history.
* Share what games you liked to play when you were a kid and play some with your kids.
* Create a rotating storyline. When I was young my mom's family did something called a "Round Robin". Each family member participating would put a letter of what was going on in their world into an envelope and send it to the next relative. That relative would leave the letter they received and add their own and send it the next. This would continue until the person who sent the first letter got back the packet. That person would remove their old letter and put in a new one. Clearly, this was back in 'snail mail' days, but you get the point. Come up with a systematic way to stay in touch. (Don't forget to include the kids. They can stay in touch with their cousins that way.)
Not all families are warm, fuzzy and safe. Of course, tailor this down to what will work for the family you were blessed with.
Until tomorrow. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Learn the Word with Fun!
Afterward, he gave them each a Hot Tamale candy to remind them about the commitment to worship God that S, M and A experienced and gave them a Life Saver candy (gummy - watch out for choiking) to remind them that God saved S, M, and A. Now you know that from now on when they see Hot Tamale candy and Life Saver candy they will remember this story.
Find ways to tie everyday objects to Bible truths. A child's memory is very attached to visual cues. Have them create or act out a story and the drive-it-home truth that is to be learned. Have fun with it. Children learn with play, fun and visual cues.
Use your imagination (or if you don't have one- the internet) to explore God's Word with your children in meaningful and lasting ways.
The time they spend with you in the Word will be treasured for the rest of their life.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hardworking encouragement
Don't forget to reward effort and not just outcome. A child may have studied very hard for a test and gotten a "C" in a subject that is challenging for them. Help them not be discouraged by focusing in on how hard they worked and how they tried to do their best.
I have heard of some families that make memorizing scripture a family affair. They write a scripture across the top of the bathroom mirror and challenge and practice with each other to memorize it. Make it fun.
Blessings to you all
Enjoy your kids
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Parents Take There Kids Back!
I hear in the ministry circles out there that this is generation of parents that have turned over responsibility to the church to guide their children in spiritual matters. The truth is our time at church is such a small amount of time with them that it is imperative that parents take that cross back and you are.
All throughout the Bible it talks about children learning about God from their parents not the church. Well I have good news for you. The tide is shifting!
You are among a generation that is changing the attitude of parenting responsibilities. You are taking back your God given duty and taking raising your children to be Spiritual Champions seriously. If you always have been that parent, then you are a shining model for others to follow. Talk to other parents and encourage them.
I am proud to be part of a church of parents who are strong and willing to do the day in and out job of disciplining their children. Your children will be able to withstand the storm that is brewing. They WILL have to face what comes. We can't protect them from it, but we can prepare them for it.
It is our honor to be part of your Children's Ministry. Anything we can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask.
I am proud of all of you. You will fall short from time to time. Do not despair. God has already adjusted for where we lack. Surrender and live in faith. God is in control and He is a very Big God.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Switch "No's" to "Yes"
*Physical safety issues (staying in the yard) and family routines (bedtimes) need a few basic rules. For instance, "We play in the yard." "We keep the gate closed." "We are going to take a nap now. It's nap time."
* When you state a rule to your child, do your best to state it positively.(Children often don't hear the "don't" part of a rule and instead act on what they did hear, thus doing just what you said not to do!) help a child understand why, even at this age. (It's good practice for later years when your child will ask, "Why?" constantly!) For example, rather than, "Don't touch the cord!" try, "The cord stays in the wall. It can hurt your hand if you touch it.
*Toddlers will test you. This does not mean you need to change the house rules. A child needs to know that you and your rules are a sure thing. A child gains comfort and security in knowing what you expect and what comes next. Rules help a child make sense of his or her world.
Be consistent and keep it simple.
Excerpts from Smart pages: Gospel light
Hardwork is hardly hard if you work it out.
For little ones, help them learn to use their words instead of misbehavior to tell you when a job is too hard so you can help them make it easier. Find ways to make it fun like; singing while the work, racing, or moving like a robot, etc.
For older ones, have them think through what part of their homework is too hard. Arrange for review or backing up and filling in the holes. Have them be sure to get more information about the assignment ahead of time. You may need to work out a communication system between you and your child's teachers. Note pads or planners are really good for this. Allow them to take 5 minute breaks. Put them in an area with fewer distractions, turn off the TV, etc.
When it comes to chores, they may just not want to do it. Find out why. Maybe you want them to clean their room during the only show they look forward to each week, maybe they are lazy or feel entitled to not have to do it. Find the source of their reluctance and start to deal with that first.
If it is laziness or entitlement share scripture with them and ask them, "What if mom decided she didn't want to make dinner or pack you a lunch?" "How would that be?" Help them to think beyond themselves to how they affect the bigger picture and how their contribution helps others. (Proverbs 10:4, 13:4, 20:4) Be sure to share with them positive things about how their accomplished chore is appreciated and why.
If it is a timing thing, discuss a possible compromise or at least an explaination as to why it has to happen at that time. Children need to learn that sacrifice is part of life, but if the time is not locked consider working something out.
Mostly, don't get discouraged. It takes a long time to train a child to be a hardworker. Commit this to the Lord and push forward. Ultimately, it is God who is in control of your child's path, not you. You are His tool, so just be prayerful and faithfully available.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Drive the lesson Home
I just want to take a moment to remind you all that we have follow up activities for you to do at home to reinforce the weekend lessons. I have provided the link below for you to access it. Children learn more when they are exposed to the same concept over and over. Reinforce it throughout the week to drive the lesson into thier long term memory.
Here is a funny lady that seems to understand the average day of a mom. Sit back and prepare to chuckle
Enjoy this Lord's day with your family. Cherish the moments you have with them before they are gone.
Friday, September 11, 2009
God has set us up to be able to teach and train our children according to His will. We start out unable to do it alone. We need Him and each other. Find your village to raise your children. Surround yourself with good people and a good church. God will raise your child according to His plan and despite you not being "super parent" .
Rest in His ability to fill in where you lack. Depending on and needing Him is where amazing things happen.
However, He does command we carry out Romans 12:9-19. Look it up. Live it, teach it to your kids. These are clearly expected of all of us despite our gifts..
It takes a village to raise a child. Let RHCC be part of your village. I am very excited about Tuesday nights at church. Check it out. We want to partner with you to help you raise a Godly child.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Working Hard or Hardly Working
* Break the task down into little bites. For example, when loading the dishwasher, divide the task into glasses, bowls, plates, silverware, etc. Teach your child to complete a small task and then say to himself/herself, "What's next?"
* Schedule breaks. Decide upfront at what points in the project you'll take 5 minute breaks. Use a timer. Just knowing that a break is coming can keep you working.
*Lighten the load by having someone join you in the task. It can make the project manageable and even fun. Make a game or contest out of it. Only play a favorite CD during unpleasant tasks to lighten the air.
*When the task is done, say, "Doesn't it feel good to complete a job?" Remind them next time how good if felt to finish the last job.
I know that there is a school of thought out there that goes the sticker chart route when trying to encourage self direction. Just a small warning: if you are giving rewards for accomplishing tasks (So many stickers gets you a treat, etc.), you will lose the progress when you stop the process. Instead, I would recommend focusing on internal reward. Help them feel good about themselves for their accomplishment. Remind them that God is pleased with them and that we should do our best to glorify Him. If they are only doing something to get something they will always need to be rewarded or they will quit.
I know those of you reading this have had many experiences with success and failure in this area. Share some of those with us so we can learn from each other. If you don't want to share in an open forum like this, feel free to email it to me and I will share your thoughts without identifying you.
Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Free downloads
Make your own recipe
Have you noticed that some strategies work on one child but not the other? It is okay to have a different response to different children. God made them unique. God does this with us. We may be sitting in the same sermon with 100's of people, but each will receive what they needed from the Lord. Sometimes it will be encouragement, sometimes reprimand, other times it might be enlightenment. God takes who we are and where we are in our development into consideration when He interacts with us. We need to do the same for our kids.
It is okay to have different approaches and consequences for different kids in the same house. Equity is not a requirement. Your children will complain if they see a different consequence to a sibling for the same offense. Hold your ground and do what is best for that child. I would send one child to their room for something, because it was torturous for him not to be in the middle of action. If I did that to one of my other sons he would love it. He loved being by himself in his room. I had to discover what he really valued and remove that. As a side note: what works today may not work later. Kids change. Change your tactics with them.
Talk to other parents, surround yourself with support and keep learning. God is ultimately in control and is raising those children through you. Do your best and God will take care of the rest.
Bless you for being willing to take the journey.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Forgiving can be a 4 letter word
Forgiveness is a tough concept for even adults to handle, much less kids. However, as parents it is imperative that we do what we can to consistently share core virtues and values with our kids.
It is okay to have your real young ones say the words after they have wronged someone. However, it is important to intentionally teach them when you aren't in the heat of a moment. Use stuffed animals or dolls to have a fight. One says, "I'm sorry", and the other says, "I forgive you". Hand off the dolls to the child and have them reenact it. Of course, you can continuously share how God feels about forgiveness, love and compassion with them. (Mark 11:25-26; Colossians 3:13; Matthew 6:14-15 and many, many more)
As kids get older it is important to teach them understanding and compassion. Help them reflect on what has happened that needs forgiveness. If someone has wronged them that they need to forgive, help them to imagine what is happening in the other person's life. Now granted, sometimes it is just sin rearing its ugly head, but sometimes people act up because of trials and difficulties in their life. Help the child to try and think beyond themselves. Model this as well. For example: If someone is speeding and cuts you off, instead of getting angry at them, talk to your kids in the car about how that person may have just learned of a loved one at the hospital and isn't thinking clearly. They may come home angry about a bully at school. Share with them that perhaps something upsetting is happening at home that he doesn't know how to deal with. We must teach children to think of others with compassion. Lead your child in prayer for the one that has wronged them.
You can also help them act out stories or use paper cut outs to talk through great forgiveness stories in the Bible like Genesis 37-50(Joseph), and Luke 15:11-32(Prodical son).
Get them involved in community and missionary projects. This furthers their understanding of compassion and thinking of others over themselves.
Remind them that not forgiving is a sin. Ask them how they feel when someone does or doesn't forgive them. Remind them that God has forgiven them for so much. Remind them that an unforgiving heart grows angry.(Prov 10:12)
Sometimes, we are wronged by others who aren't sorry and don't care if you forgive them. In these cases it is time to teach our children that God is in control of all circumstances. They did what they could and have to leave the rest in His hands.
Wow, no wonder this is a tough lesson. There are so many facets to it. However, God is parenting with you. Pray during situations that He will guide you as you guide your kids. He has their development planned out. We are only called on to get in there and do it.
By the way, I forgive you if you don't comment on this blog. :) JK
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Anger identifies a problem
Use Anger to Spark Creativity
We say, "Anger is good for identifying problems but not good for solving them." Once you become aware of a problem, look for a more creative and productive way to solve it. When parents choose to reflect only anger, they limit themselves dramatically. Families benefit when they experiment with other emotional options as well.
Marilyn surprised her eight-year-old son after he put his feet on the table during dinner. She felt angry, but she chose to respond differently. "Do you know what the Bible says about beautiful feet?" she asked in a playful tone.
Expecting a harsh response the boy was shocked by his mother's question and curious about the answer. "No," he replied with question in his voice.
"The Bible says, 'Beautiful are the feet of them who bring good news.' Now I have some good news for you. Dessert is only served to those whose feet are under the table." Marilyn made her point and she didn't have to use anger to do it. During dessert, several minutes after the previous incident, she made a passing request, "Please don’t put your feet on this table."
Her son responded, "Okay."
This mom avoided what could have been an ugly scene by exercising some restraint on her anger and responding in a wise way. By stopping each time you feel angry and evaluating the situation, you can use anger to point out problems and then choose another strategy for your response.
This parenting tip comes from our book, Good and Angry, Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Kids.
One of the hardest things we can do as a parent is to not respond in anger. This only puts the child on the defense. Once in defensive mode no learning happens except how to be better at being defensive.
The part of this tip that makes me chuckle is the part where the child is suprised by the parent's response. Don't think for one moment your sweet little child is not capable of doing something just to get a rise out of you. There is a great deal of wisdom in not being predictable. Keeping relocating your buttons. It makes it harder for them to push them.
By the way, if you have a problem with anger, get help. It is one of the most destructive emotions for you and your children. Seek counseling or join Celebrate Recovery. Yes, Celebrate Recovery is for all problems that have a hold on you, not just addictions. There are currently some people in the RHCC Celebrate Recovery that are only there to work out their anger issues. They will understand where you are and where you need to be.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Melt away the meltdown
Don't you just have days where you can't deal with everyday things? So do children. Add a busy weekend of a child being drug around through lots of events and outings and you have a recipe for meltdown.
It isn't that our little ones can't handle a change in their routine. Shaking it up once in awhile is good for them. They need to learn to roll with things. However, it is important to remember that they have their limits. Be sensitive to when they have reached it. That is when the day becomes about them and not what is left to do.
The sensitivity, intuitiveness, and compassion you show your child when they can't cope on their own will make a huge impact on them. It is well worth missing whatever next thing is on the agenda to tend to what they really need. (You)
It might be good to mention here that it is possible to expect to much out of your child. We are so eager to give them every advantage that we overbook them and ourselves. Choose to do less and spend more time doing things at home. Decide as a Christian parent what priorities of your time you want to teach your kids. You have to model this message. You can't say they can't do a ton of things but you stay extremely busy. Weekend church and mid week Bible study/small group should be the top message. (God 1st)Most nights home with the family, message 2, (Family 2nd) pursuing passions/interests, message 3. (self/others 3rd) Balance your message. Put the message in the right order of importance.
Time flies so fast. Cherish your time as a family as much as you can.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Get Connected
It is our prayer that you will have all the opportunities and tools to be supported as you raise them up to be strong, mature children of God.
Please browse through our webpage and send me comments or emails on other features you would like to see or any problems you find. This is your ministry and your webpage. We want to make it as user friendly and informative as possible. We are here to serve you and your children.
Do you feel connected to other parents? Let us know what other opportunities you would like to see available. (Coffee break devotion time, fitness fellowship, etc)You can comment here or email me at
I look forward to hearing from you.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Express Empathy
The key is to express empathy and validate the pain or disappointment your child is experiencing. Then, you can gently move into a suggestion mode if needed. For example, when the cat scratches your four-year-old son who is playing rough, don't just launch into a lecture. Instead say something like, "Ouch, I'll bet that hurt. It looks like he doesn't like rough play does he?"
Or when your eight-year-old daughter is hungry before dinner because she refused to eat lunch you might say, "I'll bet you're hungry. That's a long time to go without food."
If you leave out the empathy and just move into a lecture mode, children may react poorly. They may view your approach as condescending or cold and respond with defensiveness, anger, or hostility. Empathy communicates love; while at the same time allows the child to accept responsibility for the problem.
Empathy is a primary ingredient for partnership. Empathy reveals understanding and care. Empathy validates the emotions a child is experiencing even though the actions that come out of those emotions may need correction. Demonstrating your love while your child learns from experience can be one of the best ways to teach children lasting lessons about life.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is nothing. Letting our children learn for themselves is a painfull thing to watch. We want to protect them from everything. I can remember some of my most valuable lessons being the most painful. Do your own memory search. Do you think you were willing to learn that lesson from advise or lecture or was the process and the pain necessary for you to grow and change? I think both can be true, but God is the orchestrator. We are just 1st string.
This parenting tip comes from the book, Home Improvement, The Parenting Book You Can Read to Your Kids Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
With final comments by Brenda Herrera
Monday, August 24, 2009
Connect your kids to God's Word
One of the topics explored was on Bible time between parents and kids throughout the week while they were growing up. What did the parents in this book reveal about their Bible study regiment with their kids?
They didn't have one! Many of them initially tried to follow Bible studies and daily devotions with little success. However, they intentionally found opportunities to take the events within the week and seek what God's Word had to say about it. This didn't happen every day, but the meaningful connection of life with the living, breathing Word of God had a profound affect on their children. Their children learned that it wasn't something to just do each day, but a interactive tool to use while seeking God in life events.
Seeking God daily in prayer and personal Bible study should still be the encouragement that is conveyed by parents to their children. Having them see you model this in your own quiet time is invaluable. Release yourself of the stress of not getting them to participate in a daily family devotion time. Instead seek out opportunities to go to the Word for wisdom when events and topics come up.
Children's Ministries has the weekend lessons posted on our webpage for all our classes on the weekend. Review these and look for opportunities to reinforce those lessons throughout the week. The more your child hears the same lessons applied in life the more it will be entrenched in their hearts. We offer suggestions on how to enrich and expand their lessons at home.
In addition, there will be take home activities for your kids that attend our Children's Bible Study night (LINKED) on Tuesday nights. Our 1st-6th graders will receive enrichment activities that they can do on their own or with your help. All these are tools to choose from. It is most important to simply pray for opportunities and allow the Lord to guide you as you guide your children to become Spiritual Champions.
Blessings to you all
Friday, August 21, 2009
Down time
You have to find ways to rest your body and mind. You will be a better parent. Form a co-op with other parents to take turns watching each others kids for free. (Side note: Be sure you know alot about someone you are leaving your kids with. There are alot of bad people out there pretending to be normal.) The church has opportunities for groups of parents to come together and usually they offer childcare.
You may be thinking, I have no one to help me, I can't get away. That is okay. I survived many years of that. There are still ways to steal downtime. Get up a bit early and have some quiet time with your Bible, God and really good cup of coffee or tea. After they go to bed, find an interest besides parenting to talk about on an online chat room or read a book. Take a long soothing bath with quiet music. Workout to a video in the livingroom. Anything to allow you to escape. You have to take care of yourself, because your children are not programed to give as much as they take.
God will sustain and restore you:
Psalm 62:1 "My soul finds rest in God alone"
Psalm 91:1 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."
If you are in a position to offer that release for a parent, do it. You will strengthen them as a family by allowing that parent to get some time to themselves.
My prayer is you will have some time to yourself in the next few days.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
You will mess up
So there you are; you have wronged your child in some way. (Broken a promise of quality time, snapped at them in an ungracious way, ignored them, put your wants above their needs) Now what? You are their role model. Are they damaged for life? Have you managed to emotionally scar them so that you are what they blame all their future failings on? No. God causes all things for work together for good. He will mold your child into who He wants them to become.
Now that doesn't mean you are not responsible for your actions or lack there of. Use these opportunities to model repentance. Tell them what you believe you did wrong, ask them to forgive you and ask God to forgive you in their presence. It is important for them to see the healing power of God and the grace of forgiveness in action.
However, if you are trapped in a destructive pattern and are messing up the same way over and over, it may be time to get someone involved that can help you figure it out. The church is a good source for this. Many people on staff can work through issues with you. You can cause emotional and psychological damage to your child if you live trapped in a repetitive pattern of sin.
God is ultimately in control and loves you and your children more than even you do. He has their path already laid out and will help you raise them, sin and all.
Seek God, do your best, get help when you need it, and let go of your failures.
Bless you all
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Let your children fail.
I remember the countless times I ran back home to get the left books, homework, lunch or whatever. The science projects that I helped with that were brought up the night before they were due (stop laughing: you know it is true, or you will if you haven't reached that point yet). I didn't want my child to be the only one without a project or a lame project. We want our children to take school, success and being responsible for themselves seriously. Well take it from someone who took way to long to figure this out. You are not helping when you help so much. Let your children fail sometimes.
Help them to be organized. Teach them the importance of being prepared. Set them up in everyway to succeed, then let them fail. It is the fastest way for them to learn a lesson. If they forget their book and have a consequence at school, or work on an assignment that they didn't bother to put back in the backpack and now it is late and worth less, they will feel it. It should be thier problem, not yours.
If you keep bailing them out they will need you to clean up their messes for the rest of their lives. They will develop that annoying sense of entitlement and laziness our teens these days are so known for. They must learn to own the problem.
If you think someone will think badly of you for not running to their aide everytime, so what. If you feel the imaginary glares of people judging you, it is mostly in your head. They aren't the ones who are personally responsible for helping that person become a mature, responsible adult. If they do have an opinion, again I say, who cares. Do what you know is right. It isn't about what people think of you, it is about the responsiblity that God has given you. He is the only accountablily you need.
Be sure to start early with this though. This lesson learned later can be much more costly and a difficult pattern for all of you to break.
Does anyone else have some experience with this? Join in on the conversation. This is a forum to share, not just a platform for me to pontificate.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Try this with your child to help give them a visual on trust. Get 3 blocks. Set a block on the table as you mention something trustworthy your child did like; put away their toys when they said they would, or turned off the TV after the show was over like they said they would. Then set another block next to it and say, "This is for watching your little sister like you promised, or taking out the trash when you promised." Take the 3rd block and set it on the foundation. Tell them, Since you've shown yourself to be trustworthy, I can trust you to ( Something they have been wanting to be trusted with) (Example: Make their own bedtime on Friday night. )"Because of the foundation of trust you laid I believe I can trust you to make good choices."
Now take away one of the foundation blocks so the top one falls. Tell them, "When you break that trust, it is very hard to trust you again." Try to put the third block back up by setting it on the edge of the remaining block so that it keeps falling down. "When you keep your promises, you are being honest and people believe you will do it again.
In the future, as they wrestle with the challenges of being trustworthy you can refer back to this visual to help them realize what they have done.
I have had many battles with my kids to honor their word over the years . When they lie or violate clear boundaries, they know that far worse than my punishment was my loss of trust in them. They would have to earn it back, losing privileges until they regained my trust. It was brutal on all of us but an extremely important battle to fight and win.
You can do it. Don't back down. Stand your ground and fight the good fight. Their integrity will be your reward.
This object lesson came from Gospel Light newsletters on Raising up Spiritual Champions.
Monday, August 17, 2009
God's presence in your child's life
It is important that our children understand that God is always with them and around them. When they perceive that people have failed them (and they will from time to time), God is still there as an ally. Read them Psalm 139. Ask them open-ended questions that don't end in yes or no. Give them a chance to realize that nothing is hidden from God. He knows their thoughts and everything they do. He loves them more than you do and he wants what is best for them. Spend a good week or two just hanging out in this Psalm with them. Help them deeply internalize their value to God and how He is unchanging. This Psalm will always be true.
No matter if your child is socially comfortable or an introvert, it is imperative that they deeply sense God's commitment to them and His undying, unchanging love for them. This will get them through all that life throws at them.
Growing up, I was extremely shy, gawky looking and the target of much bullying. God's presence in my life got me through the darkest of times. There were times I was convinced that not another person on the planet cared for me, but knowing that God did made me slide deeper into a profound relationship with Him. We can't protect our children from all the experiences that lie ahead. The truths in this Psalm, if internalized, can get them through it all.
If you have little ones, make God's love and thoughts about them your matra. They should hear it out of your mouth as often as possible. As they do things, let them know that God already knew they were going to do it. If they behave badly, tell them God knows and wants to help them do better. Study this Psalm yourself and find ways each day to put it in terms your little one can understand.
My prayer goes out that all of you will succeed in helping your children grasp this wonderful truth. May the Holy Spirit guide your words and their hearts.
Blessings to you all